New this year: We are seeking and only seeking for extended abstract papers (2 pages max) in ACM SIG Alternative Proceedings Style.
Abstracts should describe the main topic and content of a talk that will be delivered at the workshop.
We welcome opinionated and provocative talks that encourage discussions about the topic of teaching SPLs.
Submissions will be selected based on relevance to the workshop topics and suitability to trigger discussions. Papers should be submitted as PDF files via EasyChair.
Why extended abstracts? There are two reasons. First, we expect to attract many submissions with such a lightweight format. The writing effort is less important than in a 4-pages or 8-pages format. Usual, formal requirements tend to discourage some people while the goal should remain simple – sharing experiences and exchanging on the topic. Second, extended abstracts do not preclude authors to submit a longer version to other events like conferences or journals (actually it can help participants to prepare such extensions).
We are interested in experience reports, which identify and structure open challenges and research questions, focusing on all topics related to teaching in the context of SPLs. Topics include, but are not limited to:
Experiences with teaching SPLs to students or practitioners
Best practices for teaching SPLs
Innovative curricula or course formats
Impact of the online education movement (MOOCs) on teaching SPLs
Innovative methods for teaching SPLs in online courses
Integration of SPL research into teaching and training
Ensuring graduated students meet industry needs through the understanding of SPL techniques
Innovative use of social media for knowledge management in SPL teaching
Opinions about teaching SPLs
Submissions will be selected based on the relevance to the workshop topics and the suitability to trigger discussions.
Papers should be submitted as PDF files via EasyChair
The selected extended abstracts will be included in volume 2 of the SPLC conference proceedings published by ACM.